Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Illustration Friday - MONSTER

Monštrum: GOLEM - Veľká a neforemná kreatúra v tvare človeka vytvorená z hliny a prebudená k životu pomocou kabalistických prostriedkov je hebrejským mýtom , o ktorom sa zmieňuje talmud. Toto monštrum malo mať na čele napísané slovo "emet"(pravda) a mohlo byť zničené vymazaním písmena e na "met" (smrť).Ostatné vízie popisujú tabuľku s nápisom vloženú pod jazykom Golema. U nás poznáme skôr povestný "šém" uprostred čela Golema z filmu "Císaruv pekar,pekaruv cisar"(1951) s Janom Werichom v hlavnej úlohe.
The GOLEM- A large bulky and somewhat featureless creature in the shape of a man that can be made of a lump of clay and brought to life by Kabbalistic means is a Hebrew myth that is mentioned in the Talmud. This monster should have "EMET" (truth) written on its forehead and it can be destroyed by erasing the letter E - leaving "MET"(death). Other visions describe a tablet with writing on it worn or placed under the tongue of Golem or in our country well-known small ball "shem" in the forehead of Golem , by film "Cisaruv pekar,pekaruv cisar "-"Emperor's Baker and the Golem /The Emperor and the Golem"(1951) with Jan Werich.


Teri said...

EEK! It does indeed look like a scary monster! Interesting story about it. Great job Jan!

Sue Seibert said...

Great monster. Thanks for the story, as well. I had heard the word Golem, but I never knew the meaning.

m said...

Hi, nice blog site here.

Please allow me to ask you such this question about Jan Werich, but I'd like to. Question is that;

"What's the question do you ask for him on the interview if he's still alive in the present?"