This is my entry for EDMC#58 : Draw a hat or cap.Because it looks quite strange on the picture I draw , you can see it on the photo , too. And is not sentimental in any way. I love wear it because even is winter now I have not DARK cap on my head .
Done in watercolor and ink.
Toto je môj príspevok pre Everyday matters challenge č.58 : Nakresli klobúk alebo čiapku. Pretože na obrázku,čo som vytvoril vyzerá prinajmenšom divne, na fotografii ju vidno aj v reále. A nie je sentimentálna. Rád ju nosím, pretože aj keď je momentálne zima, nenosím na hlave TMAVÚ čiapku.
Jako, I think it's lovely. I can see the corduroy so distinctly. You did a wonderful job. I will post my hat soon..it is not nearly so good.
Good to see you on EDM Jako! What a great job on the hat! Perfect.
Jako, I recognized the hat for what it was immediately! Wonderful job. I enjoyed the rest of your blog, too. Welcome to the EDM group!
Great hat - maybe you could try another self portrait wearing your hat, then you will look more like you :)
Alison in Canberra
Thank you for your comments. I appreciate it.
HI Jako, I just wanted to answer your question about my hat. G stands for Green Bay which is the city where the football team-Packers are from. Sorry, I forget not everyone is from the USA. It is so nice being international.
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