Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Illustration Friday - MONSTER

Monštrum: GOLEM - Veľká a neforemná kreatúra v tvare človeka vytvorená z hliny a prebudená k životu pomocou kabalistických prostriedkov je hebrejským mýtom , o ktorom sa zmieňuje talmud. Toto monštrum malo mať na čele napísané slovo "emet"(pravda) a mohlo byť zničené vymazaním písmena e na "met" (smrť).Ostatné vízie popisujú tabuľku s nápisom vloženú pod jazykom Golema. U nás poznáme skôr povestný "šém" uprostred čela Golema z filmu "Císaruv pekar,pekaruv cisar"(1951) s Janom Werichom v hlavnej úlohe.
The GOLEM- A large bulky and somewhat featureless creature in the shape of a man that can be made of a lump of clay and brought to life by Kabbalistic means is a Hebrew myth that is mentioned in the Talmud. This monster should have "EMET" (truth) written on its forehead and it can be destroyed by erasing the letter E - leaving "MET"(death). Other visions describe a tablet with writing on it worn or placed under the tongue of Golem or in our country well-known small ball "shem" in the forehead of Golem , by film "Cisaruv pekar,pekaruv cisar "-"Emperor's Baker and the Golem /The Emperor and the Golem"(1951) with Jan Werich.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

EDM#59 : Sign of Spring

Som rád,že v prvý jarný deň môžem publikovať výsledok mojej interpretácie Everyday Matters Challenge č.59 - Znak jari.Zdá sa to byť ľahká téma,ale kedže tohoto roku nejako zima nechce povoliť a hoci sneh už konečne tento týždeň zmizol,odhalené igelitky alebo psie exkrementy za takéto znaky považovať nebudem.Ja som za znak nastupujúcej jari vždy považoval dve rastliny : snežienky a bahniatka. To druhé nie je rastlina, ale tuším kvety na vŕbe.Až po nich kvitne zlatý dážď (Forsythia) a moja bonsajka na balkóne (Višňa plstnatá)
Bahniatka som ešte tohoto roku nevidel.
Snežienka jarná (Galanthus nivalis)pochádza z Európy a malej Ázie, je asi 15-20 cm vysoká,rastie z cibuľky a kvitne zhruba v období február-marec.U nás je chránená, ale bežne sa pestuje i v záhradách. Je jedovatá !
I am glad I can post my EDM#59 right the first day of the spring.It seems like a simple topic but this year is winter quite tough and snow is dissapear this week only.For me ,the signs of the spring are 2 plants : common snowdrop and flowers of willow ( exactly like here ).After that coming next forsythia and my small bonsai tree on my balcony (Cherry tree).
Common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) origins from Europe and small Asia , is about 15-20 cm high, growing from small onion and flowering approx. February-March. Snowdrop is protected species in our country according CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora , Washington) but is commonly in our gardens , too. Snowdrop is poisonous !

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Illustration Friday - TATOO

Today, when almost everybody has a tatoo, it is more like sign of unification, not diversification.
Done in gel ink pen & PITT artist pen

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

EDM#58 : Hat or cap

This is my entry for EDMC#58 : Draw a hat or cap.Because it looks quite strange on the picture I draw , you can see it on the photo , too. And is not sentimental in any way. I love wear it because even is winter now I have not DARK cap on my head .
Done in watercolor and ink.

Toto je môj príspevok pre Everyday matters challenge č.58 : Nakresli klobúk alebo čiapku. Pretože na obrázku,čo som vytvoril vyzerá prinajmenšom divne, na fotografii ju vidno aj v reále. A nie je sentimentálna. Rád ju nosím, pretože aj keď je momentálne zima, nenosím na hlave TMAVÚ čiapku.

Monday, March 13, 2006

EDM#57 : Picture frame

This is actually picture which owns my friend, it is small village under the cover of snow , winter country somewhere in north of Slovakia, Kysuce.It is oil on wood and I must say it was no so easy draw it, because is quite dark - dark brown frame , dark brown picture.
My picture is done with pen&ink and watercolor.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

EDM#56 : Self - portrait

This is my self-portrait how I see myself in bathroom mirror .I must admit it was quite hard but I did it .
Fountain pen & sketchbook .
Btw. I don't know this face :-)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Illustration Friday - INSECT

That is my picture for IF topic "Insect" It was the first what pop-up in my head about this topic ..nice Basho´s haiku .
Did you know that there is 5500 species of dragonflies in 30 tribes ? The biggest can be 6,5-9 cm wide !
Toto je môj obrázok pre IF tému HMYZ.To bolo to prvé,čo ma napadlo..krásna haiku od japonského básnika Bašó.
Vedeli ste,že je známych 5500 druhov vážok v 30 čeľadiach? Tie najväčšie môže mať rozpätie krídel 6,5 - 9 cm !

Dragonfly is done in my "daily" sketchbook , background in watercolor,drawing by glass dip pen and sepia ink Ferrario .