Som rád,že v prvý jarný deň môžem publikovať výsledok mojej interpretácie Everyday Matters Challenge č.59 - Znak jari.Zdá sa to byť ľahká téma,ale kedže tohoto roku nejako zima nechce povoliť a hoci sneh už konečne tento týždeň zmizol,odhalené igelitky alebo psie exkrementy za takéto znaky považovať nebudem.Ja som za znak nastupujúcej jari vždy považoval dve rastliny : snežienky a bahniatka. To druhé nie je rastlina, ale tuším kvety na vŕbe.Až po nich kvitne zlatý dážď (Forsythia) a moja bonsajka na balkóne (Višňa plstnatá)
Bahniatka som ešte tohoto roku nevidel.
Snežienka jarná (Galanthus nivalis)pochádza z Európy a malej Ázie, je asi 15-20 cm vysoká,rastie z cibuľky a kvitne zhruba v období február-marec.U nás je chránená, ale bežne sa pestuje i v záhradách. Je jedovatá !
I am glad I can post my EDM#59 right the first day of the spring.It seems like a simple topic but this year is winter quite tough and snow is dissapear this week only.For me ,the signs of the spring are 2 plants : common snowdrop and flowers of willow ( exactly like here ).After that coming next forsythia and my small bonsai tree on my balcony (Cherry tree).
Common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) origins from Europe and small Asia , is about 15-20 cm high, growing from small onion and flowering approx. February-March. Snowdrop is protected species in our country according CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora , Washington) but is commonly in our gardens , too. Snowdrop is poisonous !
Your snowdrops are beautiful! They are so fresh and dainty.
Jan, this is a beautiful botanical - just perfect for a spring day.
jan, these are beautiful! You also gave me information I did not know about these little beauties. Thanks! You are really doing beautiful work here and I am glad you are sharing it with us.
Jan, they are beautiful...and on the first day of spring. Good for you!!
Lovely, Jan. We have snow-drops here in Sydney, too, but never a flake of snow :-)
Scratches & Scribbles
beautiful springdrawing!
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