Sunday, April 30, 2006

Illustration Friday - UNDER THE SEA

This is picture by which I recall our snorkelling trip at the Red Sea.The green fish really exists , it was about 2m long , the name was napoleon fish.
Done in watercolor.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Happy birthday Miška !

Moja fantastická a šikovná dcéra Michaela dnes oslavuje svojich 15 ! Želám jej všetko najlepšie a na budúco-týždňové prijímačky držím silno palce. Ľúbim Ťa , Miška !
My fantastic and clever daughter Michaela has birthday today - she is now 15 years old ! I wish her all the best and especially for her next week´s entry examination for secondary school. I love you, Miška !

Look here for more

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I am sorry for my absence here but for a last few days we were on holiday. We spent it in Hurghada , Egypt , here

It was very hot and we have a lot of fun, especially when I want to learn some moving on windsurf.

Egypt seems to be very one-color country (due to sand of desert) but you can find a lot of colors everywhere around you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

EDM#61 again : Draw a grouping

Because I was not satisfied with my posting of EDMC No.61 (grouping) I try it again , but this time I try it a little harder for me , because I have no experiences with watercolors, no tuition or practice. So this is my stand for my pipes done in (and only) in watercolors on watercolor paper Terra. I try it really hard, for example black is mixed , not used black from pan.
Second picture is a preparation, done with watercolor but not on regular watercolor paper - it is done in my small daily can see difference !

Daffodil Day

7.apríla sa na Slovensku uskutočnil Deň narcisov a to už jeho 10.ročník. Asi 13000 dobrovoľníkov vymieňalo malé žlté odznaky v tvare narcisov za dobrovoľný finančný príspevok na celonárodnú zbierku na pomoc onkologickým pacientom.
7th of April was a Daffodil Day in Slovakia. It was 10th year from 1997 when collectors from Cancer Society (Liga proti rakovine) are exchanging small yellow badge in shape of daffodil against small voluntary contribution in favour of oncologic patients.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bratislava - evening mood

You can see bridge over the river Dunaj here in Bratislava. On the top of bridge, in this UFO plate, is located restaurant with gorgeous view to an old city and whole Bratislava. Author of this picture is my (allmost)15-years old and very clever daughter Michaela.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

EDM#61 : Draw a grouping

Draw 2 or more objects that are the same or similar.
OK. Let´s say : Thai fruits unknown (to me).
When I spent some days in foreign country I always try to get the most of it, get feelings, smell it, taste it. And Thailand seems to be the most colorfull country in this point of view. You can walk down the street and the vendors offers so strange fruits and vegetables you hardly know a half of it - not only by name , by taste too. So that is a case for courageous investigator and his devoted notebook.When you are later in safety of your home , it is sufficient to open the old worn sketchblock and ...voilá : tastes and smells are here again.
The drawings are done by ink pen and watercolor pencils, but paper is absolut wrong (ok- maybe for writing only), it is very soft for pencil and not suitable for water in any case (you can see it at the red rose apple)
But how can I resist so nice handbound sketchblock with hand made paper ? :-)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Illustration Friday - SPRING

Today was a wonderful day. Apart from still high level of water and still present danger of flood in some areas of our country this day became warm and sunny. We spent it at house of parents of my wife, approx. 40 km to south from Bratislava.
They are both pensioners and they have a small garden where you can really see signs of coming spring. The drawing is budding leaves of Datura ( a.k.a. Angel´s Trumpet) in their garden, is done with inkpen and watercolor pencils in sketchbook.

This church you can see when you sit at the yard.It was very pleasant sit here, take a warm sunbath and enjoy a lazy sunday afternoon.

Finally, this lovely potflower was first what captivate my attention. It´s name is clivia a.k.a. Kafir Lily (Clivia miniata) and is really very nice.They own this flower several years and annually is blooming at the beginning of spring.

EDM#60 : Draw an automobile or a part of one

So,here it is. The first thought I made for this challenge was some nice old car , I mean REALLY old car. But this week was so busy, so finally I ended with seat in front of our family car . It is very reliable Nissan Primera 2,2 td . And yes , it has still ads on it - each head will turn when you goes by, but hush - thieves don´t have to know it :-)
Done by watercolor pencil and pen brush in daily sketchbook.